Melyon - Changing the ideal of beauty.
That was something we want to translate into our Faces of Melyon Campaign. When we first started cast for this campaign, it was not just regular model casting. We were digging deeper for beautiful people that inspired us and also stood for something that goes in line with Melyon as a brand. We wanted to show different shades of skin colour with their natural flaws and features to make all people feel included. We also asked the people in the campaign what they thought of the beauty industry today and how we could make a changing impact as an upcoming brand.
How has the ideal of beauty affected you?
Ivy - It has affected me in many different ways. It make me look down on my features. My skin and look were never considered as "the ideal of beauty".
Cinzia - Growing up in Asia, the only "beauty" aims to have snow-white skin, so I felt that I never fitted the image of beauty.
Michel - It has been hard for me not to see people that looked like me in commercials and advertising, the people that were considered as beautiful was mostly white people.
Linda - It has made me understand that self-love cannot be depending on trends because they come and goes.
Nadia - That feeling to not look good enough is something I have been struggling with all my life.
What do you want to see in a beauty brand to feel included?
Alicia - I need to see diversity from the bottom until the top. Everyone needs to feel represented.
Ario - People that reflect our society.
Tina - Models that have the same heritage as me. Models from the middle east are still underrepresented.
Robin - Beauty should speak to all, and not the only to one group of people. It should involve everyone. I'm happy that we are starting to see a small change for the better and hope the industry takes their responsibility to change the ideal of beauty and develop more products for all skin types.
Many people with darker skin tones have a problem finding products that are being developed and suited for them, how has that affected your consumption?
Siginey - I have spent a lot more money than among the norm for having to try so many different products before finding the right one for me.
Mabintou - It has affected me as a consumer because it shows that people of colour is not as validated customers as "the white people" to the beauty industry.
Malik - I have found it hard to buy products that work well for my skin in the stores, products there are often for the white consumer. Therefor I have always bought products online from abroad that is suitable for me and my skin tone.